Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Consider this post a quick apology to Brandon for never responding to his "from arguing to discussing" post.

You asked serious questions that deserve serious answers. I wasn't feeling up to the task of responding because I knew it would take a lot of work on my part. I chose the lazy path of not responding. More than that, the sort of conversation we were heading into is something that I feel totally comfortable talking about. But that's just it, talking. Preferably over a beer and a bowl of Frog Morton. Face to face. Blogging is a different beast and way more prone to misunderstandings. So, I'm letting all of your objections go, unless of course we have that face to face convo some day.

Briefly, though, I'm linking to an article that you can read or not read. Whatever. It does not at all even begin to answer all of your questions, but it might give you a new perspective on Psalm 137, which of course you're still free to find despicable. I actually think this one is pretty easy. The conquest of Canaan, which you also object to, is what would take a longer time to respond to as it involves a fair amount of theological and literary assumptions. But, yeah, the bottom line is that I think killing Amalekites and others AT THAT TIME was a great thing and you think that it was an atrocious genocide. Buy me a beer and we can get into a fistfight.


Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the Rock!

(Now I'm going to work on a movie post. I'll get it up in the next few hours.)
Posted by trawlerman at 9:22 AM
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